


Class Rules

The 1001VELAcup Class Rules represent the “implementing tool” that contains the guidelines and goals of our educational-sports project.

Class Rules
2023 - 2024

Special Rules


Present Rules aim to promote research, formation, and innovation in nautical design through the organization of regattas with sailboats designed and manufactured by students enrolled in universities under a common teaching program and in accordance with a 1001VELAcup® Class Rule.


The aim of the initiative is to push universities to organize, within their own facilities, educational activities for the design and manufacturing of 15-feet long sailboats in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the 1001VELAcup® Class Rule.


The purpose of the initiative is to promote an annual or bi-annual meeting between university teams in agreement with 1001VELAcup® aims. The calendar and the program of the events is defined by the Technical Committee provided in 1001VELAcup® Class Rules, along with the proposals of the participating universities.
Changes to the Special Rules must be approved by the Board of Directors of the Association MLLE E UNA VELA CUP.


Boats participating in the 1001VELAcup® program must comply with actual Special Rules, must be designed and built in accordance with the 1001VELAcup® Class Rules, and must be sailed by crews consisting of students enrolled at any University.
1001VELAcup® Class Rules is proposed to race together sailboats of limited size, having the same characteristics, realized within the universities using easily accessible and easily-available technologies, balancing university teaching-laboratories with different capabilities and equipment, also by introducing limitations on the choice of materials while leaving ample room for their design.
1001VELAcup® Class Rule is an open class rule: anything not specifically prohibited by the class rules is permitted.

1) Eligibility for the 1001VELAcup® Trophy


a) Crews enrolled in the 1001VELAcup® must be composed by students enrolled in a participating University (Annex D).

b) Crew members shall not hold a Group 3 Classification (World Sailing Sailor Code, Annex D).

c) In regattas with multiple consecutive trials, the crew composition (min. 2 persons) cannot change for the duration of the event.
d) Students that turn 30 years or more in the year of the event cannot compete.


e) Only boats that have been designed and built by students enrolled in degree courses of the participating universities are allowed.

f) Boats will be identified by a sail number issued by 1001VELACup®.

g) Hulls and keels must to be built by students in a university laboratory, under the overview of university selected teaching staff. If a university will use an external structure, the boatyard must release a declaration assessing that the personnel has not directly been involved in the construction.
h) Equipment, rigging and sails, except for wing sail structures, can come from suppliers out of the participating university.

i) Each university participating to the 1001VELACup® can compete with max. 3 boats.
l) Each boat must be associated univocally with a specific crew (at least 2 people), throughout all the regattas. Every crew member can be associated only to a single boat.

m) If more universities will participate as a consortium, they must designate the university that represents them.

2) Regatta rules

Regattas will be run in real time along with the following rules:

a) The actual World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing by using the Low Point System.
b) The notice of Race and the Regatta’s Instructions released for the event.
c) The Special R3 Class Rules.
d ) Regattas will be run inside the following wind speed limits: min. 2 m/s – max. 10 m/s. The regatta Committee is free to evaluate the safety conditions even in that range.

3) Paolo Padova Trophy


The Trophy has been created in 2013 and is dedicated to Paolo Padova, a meaning figure in sharing, with his students, the 1001VELAcup® principles and philosophy.


a) Same rules of the 1001VELAcup® trophy will be applied.


b) Crews must be composed by a professors or an assistant professor holding a permanent or non-permanent positions in a university teaching staff, and a student enrolled in a participating university.
c) Paolo Padova Trophy will be run in real time under the actual World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing by using the Low Point System.

4) 1001FOILcup Trophy

This Trophy is intended to stimulate studies and researches on speed sailing.
Boats and crews must conform to the 1001VELAcup® Class Rules with the exception of sail plan and sail surface, which are free.

5) Mainaldo Maneschi Prize


The award is dedicated to the figure of Mainaldo Maneschi.
(a) The prize will be awarded by summing the score of the best project, expressed by a qualified jury composed of at least: the President of the 1001VELAcup, a designer, a sailor, a nautical expert and a journalist, and that obtained during the current 1001VELAcup Trophy races.

6) Technical committee

a) The Technical Committee is composed by a representative for each participating university, the president and a representative of the Association 1001VELAcup®

7) Amendments

a) This Regulation will be valid until November 2024.

b) This regulation could be supplemented and/or modified by the Technical Committee as a result of any proposals by the universities concerned.

c) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Technical Committee within 7 15 days from the date of award of the Trophy 1001VELAcup®.

d) The Technical Committee will review the proposed amendments within 30 days from the date of award of the Trophy 1001VELAcup®.

e) Every modification and/or integration to the present rules will be valid for 2 years at least.

8) Interpretations

If a university requires clarification on the interpretation of some of these rules only the interpretation expressed by the Technical Committee will apply.
If interpretations are requested, verbal and/or video call interviews with the Technical Committee are preferred.
The official language of these class rules is Italian, all interpretations will refer to the Italian language meanings.
Amendments to the Special Rules must be approved by the Executive Board of the MLLE E UNA VELA CUP Association

Measurements Rules

1) Dimensions

a) Maximum length overall: 4.60 m.
b) Maximum beam overall: 2.10 m.
For the measurements of the dimensions given at point a) and b) a maximum tolerance admitted is 15 mm.
c) The rudder and its mounting system are excluded in the overall length measurement.
d) Bowsprits are allowed only if used for flying sails off and are excluded from the overall length measurement.

2) Materials and construction


Natural materials: a ‘natural’ material and/or a natural fibre is any material that comes from plants or animals, and is not chemically synthesized;

Bio materials: a ‘bio’ material is any material that can be decomposed by biological activity;

Recyclable materials: a recyclable material is any material that can be reprocessed, so that it can be brought back to its original properties.

Recycled materials: a recycled material is any material obtained by wastes, which has been re-processed to re-acquire the original chemical and physical properties.

Aluminium is to be considered either as recyclable or recycled.

a) The whole system of hull, structures and superstructures must be made with a content in ‘natural’ and/or ‘bio’ and/or recyclable and/or recycled materials not lower than:

– 70% in weight if only natural materials are taken into account;

– 75% in weight if bio and/or recyclable and/or recycled materials are taken into account.
– In weights calculation, with regard to polymers, only the percentage of polymer that is biobased can be considered bio material.

b) Hiking wings (or racks) are allowed if in accordance with the dimensional and material composition limits;

c) Except for what mentioned in d), the following materials are banned: high-modulus fibres with Young modulus greater than 100 Gpa, titanium, aramidic fibers and carbonium.

d) High-modulus fibres are allowed for the hull appendages.

e) Sails cannot be made in high-modulus fibres and they must have a statement from the sail maker along with annexes C and C1;

f) The mast and boom must be made in ‘natural’ and/or ‘bio’ and/or recyclableand/or recycled materials as stated by the rule

3) Appendices

a) Appendixes are not restricted in number, shape, surface and material.

4) Rig

a) The height of the mast is not restricted.
b) Trapezes are allowed.

5) Sail plan

a) The sail plan must have a maximum total surface area of 33 m2. The calculation of the areas is carried out according to Annex C for laminate sails and according to annex C1 for wing sails (any sail with a distance between windward surface and leeward surface in operating conditions bigger that the thickness of the sheet).
b) Kites are not allowed.
c) Only one set of sails is allowed in competitions with more regattas.
d) Every university can present a measured sail set signed by an official measurer of the sailing federation from the university country, the measures will be taken along with annexes C and C1.

6) Hull

a) The hull must not have concavities in cross sections below the waterline.
b) It must be a monohull; multihulls are not allowed.
c) The hull must not have asymmetrical cross-sections.
d) The hull must be able to provide sufficient buoyancy to the safety of the vessel and its crew, of at least 80 litres; in the form of foam, expanded material, air bags and/or inspectable watertight compartments. The caps of the inspection holes will be minimum 2 and have a diameter of 12 cm min. They must be located in the anterior and posterior part of the boat to provide a complete inspection.
e) The appendages must be securely fixed to the hull.

7) Conformity and book of rules

a) Boats must be accompanied by a self-certification of the represented University showing compliance with this Regulation in accordance with Annexes A and B.
b) Boats could be subject to compliance testing by a Control Committee composed by the three best qualified universities in the last year and one member of 1001VELAcup® association.
c) If a boat is damaged, repair or replacement of parts is permitted, as long as it complies with the class rules.
d) If non-conformity to a rule can not be corrected, it shall be rectified with on-board installation of “correction weights” of 5 kg in number established by the T.C., placed at a distance less than 50 cm from the transom.
e) Protests regarding measurement will be accepted until two hours before the start signal of the first race, except for infraction happened during the race/s .
f) Two months before the start of the regatta the following documents must be provided:
f.1) Draws of the forms, waterlines and construction plan;
f.2) Detailed technical description about the construction;
f.3) Technical sheets of the used materials, technical report on recyclability for recyclable materials and recycled materials tracking certificates;
f.4) Annex A “Self Certification of Compliance” and Certificate of conformity signed by the sailmaker;
f.5) Annex B “Weight Calculations”;
f.6) Photos and/or clips about the construction process;
f.7) University enrolment certificate and sailing federation inscription card for the athletes (they must not be classified as Group 3 – World Sailing Sailor Code).
f.8) Boats must have an LCA report produced using “OpenLCA” software (downloadable from HYPERLINK “https://www.openlca.org/”https://www.openlca.org ) taking in account only the parameters of the “finished” boat.

Rome, 15/02/2023
the Technical Committee


Sail definitions

Mainsail: a sail with the luff attached to the mast

Jib: A sail with the luff attached to the stay

Spinnaker: Sail not attached to any of its sides

Commissione Tecnica

Beginning this year, the Technical Committee is composed not only of members chosen by the 1001VELAcup Association, but also of all participating universities in order to direct the engineering and realization of prototypes toward fields of research shared by the participants themselves.

Decisions of the Technical Committee

The Technical Committee was called to express itself on the legitimacy of the boats Calipso and Fénix to race.

The Technical Committee decided, at majority, that the boats Calipso and Fénix were allowed to race.

do you want to support us?

The 1001VELAcup® Association is a nonprofit, so it is only able to organize its events thanks to membership fees and sponsorships.


The week of Regattas for the “1001VELAcup Trophy” is the main event on which most of the Association’s activity is focused.
The format of the 1001VELAcup Trophy provides standards that have been refined over the years.

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